Estética compositiva en las partituras generativas de Mestres Quadreny
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This research study on the generative scores of the Catalan composer Josep Maria Mestres
Quadreny (1929-2021) is the first work of this type to include, in full, all of these works in
the composer's catalogue. The generative scores are a total of eleven works, composed
between 1961 and 1982. An exhaustive analysis and study of each of the scores is carried out,
where starting from the contextualization of each of them, the fundamental characteristics
contained in each work are described. These works are Tres invencions mòbils (1961),
Quartet de catroc (1962), Tres canons en homenatge a Galileu (1964), Suite Bufa (1966),
Frigolí-Frigolà (1969), Aronada (1971), Self-service (1973), Homenatge a Robert Gerhard
(1976), Tocatina (1978), the cycle of six concerts of L'Estro Aleatorio (1973-78) and
Canviera (1982)
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