Acompanyament durant la reanimació cardiopulmonar infantil: implicacions per a familiars i professionals sanitaris. Revisió bibliogràfica

Fernández López, María
Introduction:The presence of parents or tutors in emerging procedures is a controversial issue that is subordinated by the vision of the parents and the professionals involved. On the other hand, its benefits are poorly investigated. Objective: Determine the advantages and disadvantages of the presence of parents in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation of their children, either for the protectionists and / or for the health professionals who care for these children. Methods:Bibliographic review. The Pubmed, Elsevier, Cinhal. Dialnet Plus, Cochrane Library and Scielo databases were reviewed during the months of December 2023 toApril 2024. Results:A total of 13articles have been selected in this study, including 1 meta-analysis, 4 systemic reviews, 1 chort study and 7 transversal descriptive studies. Conclusions:The presence of parents during the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of their children means that parents experience greater confidence and decreased stress when accompanied by a member of the health team with experience in this topic. Professionals see the presence of parents positively but think that they require specialized support. Without this support, stress, errors and interferences may arise in the child's cardiopulmonary resuscitation process. Institutional protocols must be established to improve the experience of all those involved, including continuous presence, having a specific space for the family and accompaniment of the parents by experienced professionals throughout the process ​
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