Evolución de la sintomatología autista de los dos a los cuatro años: un estudio de seguimiento

Evolution of autistic symptoms from two to four years: afollow-up study. Early detection and intervention in autism spec­trum disorder (ASD) is of great importance for prognosis and evolution. The article aims to highlight the importance of detection and early intervention. Specifically in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), difficulty in detection involves a delay in the onset of therapeutic intervention, and therefore affects their prognosis and devolution. The aim of the study to analyze and detect the symptoms that stand out as especially significant and determine which are maintained over time. We performed a three-year lon­gitudinal study with a clinical sample of 15 children, aged from 24 to 47 months. ATA-scales and ADI-R were used to evaluate symp­toms. The results indicate that of the dimensions measured on the ATA scale, the manipulation of the environment, difficulties in language and communication and hyper and hypoactivity are those that display the greatest degree of stability over time. The other symptoms show lesser stability ​
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