Exploring the boundaries of aromaticity through computational analysis of excited states and complex molecular topologies
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Aromaticity is a widely used concept in the prediction, design, and understanding of key aspects related to reactivity, structure, and properties of molecules. Linked to cyclic or three-dimensional molecular systems, it involves electron delocalization within a closed circuit either a ring or a 3D structure resulting in enhanced thermodynamic stability, significant magnetic anisotropies, and unusual chemical shifts, among other properties. With nearly two centuries of history and despite not being a physical observable, the analysis of aromaticity and antiaromaticity, the latter leading to increased reactivity and instability, is still of great interest. For instance, aromaticity has applications explaining the behavior of photoexcited molecules, a challenge that prevents the rapid development of new materials or photochemical reactions. The growing use of (anti)aromaticity in excited state chemistry supports the idea that concepts established for the ground state are transferable to excited states. Yet, their inherent complexity demands further exploration, particularly as the applicability of specific aromaticity rules and indicators in certain excited states remains elusive. Furthermore, the discovery of new aromatic compounds extends well beyond simple annulenes, encompassing structures with complex topologies. These include large molecules with multiple delocalization pathways, multifold aromaticity (with the presence of σ-, π-, δ-, and/or φ-aromaticity), three-dimensional, non-planar structures, etc. Such examples necessitate a reevaluation of established boundaries of aromaticity. In this thesis, we focus on the computational study of aromaticity as a tool for characterizing challenging molecular systems, particularly those in their low-lying excited states or with intricate molecular topologies. Thus, our investigation is divided into two main blocks: Chapter 4, which centers on characterizing pro-aromatic quinoidal systems in their excited states, and Chapter 5, dedicated to examining molecules with complex topologies. Overall, we determine whether aromatic character correlates with specific molecular properties while exploring the utility and limitations of various aromaticity indicators. Additionally, we offer guidelines for molecular design to achieve specific aromatic features. Through this work, we aim to contribute to the accurate classification of chemical systems, thereby facilitating advancements in practical Applications
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