Molts de mols!

Dàvila Bernal, Sofia
Avogadro's number, 6.022x1023, is an abstract concept with a magnitude that students seems impossible to conceive. With this work, I have shown that it is possible calculate in the laboratory of a secondary school through three practices: the study of layers monomolecular of oleic acid, the study of the electrolysis of a solution of copper sulfate and the study of the electrolysis of water with a Hofmann voltmeter. It is a number that gives rise to a fundamental magnitude of the International System of Units; a constant universal that lived in the shadows for more than half a century and that has finally turned out to be key to the foundation of modern chemistry. Even now it is playing a crucial role in the new definition of fundamental quantities such as mass and amount of substance, thanks to the fact that over time the scientific community has shown that it is a number immutable ​
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