L'origami: una barreja de matemàtiques i creativitat
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This paper has appeared from the author’s passion for origami or paper folding and her wish to deeply get to know which are the mathematical principles that determine paper figures’ construction. Discovering why the biggest mathematicians are interested in origami and which are the characteristics that make it a new object for further engineering investigation are two of the main subjects that will appear in the next pages. The methodology consists in getting the most relevant pieces of information and therefore make a solid knowledge base needed in order to start constructing origami models and show the mathematical concepts that appear. Furthermore, it is interesting to know the fundaments of origami, its cultural importance and also who are the most popular origami artists. Finally, it reaches the conclusion that origami is one of the most peculiar tools used to solve third degree equations and this confirms its supremacy over straightedge and compass constructions. It is important to mention the use of graph theory in colouring of a buckyball using three colours or just two colours in the case of flat origami figures. In this way, this paper aims to discuss the importance of studying origami as both scientific and entertaining material