Accident o sabotatge? El descarrilament del tren d’Olot l’any 1946
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This assignment named Accident o Sabotatge? is about the derailment that affected a train of the Olot-Girona line, on Sunday 19th May 1946, in its passage through Bescanó. The convoy was a non-ordinary train with 300 hikers from Grup Excursionista i Esportiu Gironí (GEiEG) going to their annual gathering in Sant Pelegrí de Cogolls hermitage in Les Planes d’Hostoles. Even though the train was full and the derailment was spectacular, there were no deaths, only a seriously injured man and some minor injuries. The news media of that moment, controlled by the Franco regime, didn’t talk much about it, and they reported it as a common derailment. Nevertheless, local history and the popular opinion of the neighbours might indicate that that derailment wasn’t an accident but a sabotage from the maquis, an armed anti-fascist movement that made acts all over Spain. This attack was probably aimed at another train that transported weapons and ammunition to the regiment located in Olot from Franco’s army. This TDR provides an organised compilation of bibliography, hemerography, historical documentation, and oral statements from relatives of the protagonists of the derailment that can help to determine the truth of the different hypotheses of its cause. It has also helped as a documentation for the writing of the script from the historical divulgation comic book about the Tren d’Olot from El Gamarús collection, written by Pep Fargas and edited by Olot’s City Council
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