Realitat virtual complementària a la hidroteràpia en la recuperació del càncer
This work deals with the application of virtual reality as a complementary activity to hydrotherapy in the recovery of asthenia and personal well-being in women who have suffered from cancer or are in the last stages of their treatment. The theoretical research starts by means of investigating from books, articles and web pages specialized in the disease of cancer and is complemented by interviews with different professionals in the health field specialized in intervention, research and technology. Fieldwork begins with active participation in several hydrotherapy sessions. Based on the observation, the hypothesis is formulated, and the experimental design is
developed through which the effectiveness of the hydrotherapy and complementary virtual reality is assessed. At the end of the field work, a conclusion is reached that partially fulfills the proposed hypothesis, as while personal well-being does improve from the treatments applied, in the case of asthenia, despite the improvement, it cannot be affirmed that is because of
the treatments
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