Arquitectura modular. Disseny i estudi de costos d’un habitatge modular amb contenidors, intel·ligent, sostenible, social i integrador
Architecture is a living discipline that has adapted to the needs of society throughout history. Nowadays, we live in a changing and complex society where access to housing is not the same for everyone. Therefore, this project focuses on the possibilities offered by reusing obsolete shipping containers for building sustainable, social and inclusive modular housing.
The potential of reusing structures such as shipping containers is wide and still not enough applied to general construction, although currently, it is gaining momentum.
One of the most outstanding advantages is the ability to assemble structures with significant time savings and low installation costs. Likewise, these structures can be insulated with a variety of materials, especially those of
sustainable origin. The passive efficiency of the buildings with the application of systems that allow the use of renewable energies makes them a considerable alternative to traditional social constructions so that families in vulnerable situations can have access to decent housing; a flexible,
comfortable living space.
This project demonstrates that sustainable social housing complex development is possible and applicable. Based on theoretical analysis and the opinions of architects, I have been able to design a model of the complex and apply the current housing regulations to reflect the possibility of taking into account modular constructions as a viable alternative