El "Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional" i el control franquista del patrimoni a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil. Agents militaritzats, assessors, propaganda i burocràcia a la "Comisaría de la Zona de Levante" (1938-1940)

Caballé Colom, Eduard
The present work addresses the actions carried out by the first government of Burgos in the field of cultural heritage in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, through the Comisaría de la Zona de Levante of the Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional (SDPAN). The individuals who intervened in Catalonia as Francoist agents of the SDPAN between April 1938 and early 1940 are introduced. They were individuals connected to the world of universities, archives, museums, and libraries, including artists, architects, and lawyers. All of them became custodians of cultural heritage after the military occupations by the rebel army. Their actions, along with the preparations in the offices of José María Muguruza Otaño, shaped the future of Catalonia's most emblematic heritage assets. This thesis provides an analysis of twenty months of operations involving the conservation, transfer, deposition, disintegration, and concentration of movable heritage in Catalonia by the rebel faction. It contributes to the understanding of this historical moment and allows for the tracing of the heritage's path through the study of the agents' actions. By analyzing the relationship between SDPAN agents and the leadership of the Ministerio de Eduación Nacional, the thesis proposes a detailed view of the deployment of the heritage concept during the early Franco regime, as well as the materialization of the culture authorized by the regime in Catalonia. In summary, this research demonstrates the implantation of Francoism in the realm of cultural heritage in Catalonia ​
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