L’ós de les cavernes (Ursus spelaeus) a Catalunya

This study comprises an examination of the osteological remains of populations of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus, Rosenmüller, 1794) found in the Late Middle Palaeolithic layers of three caves in northeastern Catalonia, Spain: the Arbreda cave (Serinyà, Pla de l'Estany), Ermitons cave (Sales de Llierca, Garrotxa), and Toll cave (Moià, Moianès). One of the primary objectives of this study is to characterize the morphological and morphometric variability of these populations in clearly defined stratigraphic contexts. The sample sets from Layer I of the Arbreda, Layer IV of Ermitons, and Layer 3 of Toll are contemporaneous with each other and date to ca. 45,000 years BP. Consequently, the observed differences have been analysed strictly from the perspective of regional variation. Materials from Level J of the Arbreda cave and Level 4 of the Toll cave have also allowed for the characterization of the diachronic evolution of certain dental morphologies. The characterization of the sample populations also includes the classification of the material into age and sex categories. An analysis of the crown anatomy of the jugal dentition has revealed that each population in the sample exhibits a unique combination of traits. In general terms, however, the upper and lower fourth premolars from the Ermitons cave and the Toll cave display a closer similarity with each other than to those from the Arbreda cave. In the later, both premolars exhibit a higher degree of morphological drift than in the other sites. Nonetheless, in certain specific traits, the molars from Level I of the Arbreda cave can lag slightly behind some of these sets so we conclude that morphological evolution of each tooth may occur in some different ways in each population. The morphological traits of the postcranial skeleton correspond with the fundamental features of Ursus spelaeus, although some variability has also been observed. In this sense, the morphometric analysis of the metapodials has been the most positive and has allowed for some interpretations related to the natural habitat of each population. However, these findings will require further validation through studies using larger sample sizes ​
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