Caterina Albert/Víctor Català (1869-1966), biografia intel·lectual i literària

Muñoz Pairet, Irene
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The thesis Caterina Albert/Víctor Català (1869-1966), intellectual and literary biography analyzes the professional career of the writer Víctor Català, from its beginnings, at the end of the 19th century, to the 1950s. It brings to light unpublished documents that show various aspects of her path as a writer, draftsman, painter and sculptor and also as an archaeologist. It is divided into five parts: the first part explains who Caterina Albert’s paternal and maternal family were, what influence they had on her, the training she had, her autodidactism, her library, her activity as a painter, draftsman and sculptor, the first literary collaborations in the press under various pseudonyms and the relationship she had with the Floral Games in Figueres, in 1888, and with the Florals Games, in Olot, in 1898 The second part analyzes Víctor Català’s activity during Modernism and, in particular, the press reception of the books Lo cant dels mesos (1901), 4 Monòlegs (1901), Drames rurals (1902), Ombrívoles (1904), Solitud (1905), Llibre Blanc (1905), Caires vius (1907). Also the relationship he had with Barcelona, with Fèlix Clos, his literary representative, with Àngel Guimerà, with Joan Maragall, with Narcís Oller, with Carme Kkarr and Dolors Monserdà and with La Renaixensa, Joventut i Ilustració Catalana. The third part analyzes Víctor Català's public activity as president of the Barcelona Floral Games in 1917, as a member of the Catalan Language Academy and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, as well as the relationship that to have with l'Escala, with the Floral Games of this town, the Ateneus and the Escalan magazine Costa Brava. Also his activity as a lecturer. The fourth part studies the writer’s relationship with Noucentism and, specifically, the reception of La Mare Balena (1920), Un film (1926), Marines (1929) and Contrallums (1930). It also makes known the structure and subject matter of the unpublished poetry collections left by Víctor Català. And, at the end, this part explains what Víctor Català did for Civil War. The fifth and last part analyzes the activity of the writer during the post-war period: the reception of Retablo (1944), of Mosaic (1946) and the professional relationship she had with the publishing house Selecta, and specifically, the reception of the books Vida mòlta (1950) and Jubileu (1951). It also explains the repercussion of the creatio of the Víctor Català prize, in 1953, created by Selecta, as well as the writer’s relationship with the magazine Canigó and the reception that her death had in the press, on January 27, 1966. The annex is important because it introduces unpublished manuscripts and typescripts by Víctor Català ​
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