Com influencien els colors al nostre planeta?

Ferrer i Soldevila, Roc
Physics and chemistry have been a great passion for me since I was little. So, what could be better than doing a research project that would allow me to broaden my knowledge in these two worlds and enjoy them at the same time. We have always lived and still live with colors, but are we aware of their importance in the environment and in our society? In this work I make a small but significant exploration in the world of colors and their impact on our planet. Throughout this trip, I have carried out different experiments and surveys, which I have complemented with interviews with some people specialized in the subject, expanding and enriching my research. Thanks to this experience in carrying out the work, I have been able to contrast and analyze the hypotheses set out at the beginning of the work: one of the many aspects that influence the temperature of the elements that make up the Earth are colors, which are a physical phenomenon caused by the fact that this elements reflect and absorb light, also depending on the amount of light they absorb or reflect they will be hotter or colder. In addition, colors not only have scientific relevance, they also have psychological relevance, affecting little or a lot the mood and feelings of people. Colors are of great importance in our planet, environment and life, and thanks to them life is as we feel and see it ​
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