An ensemble machine learning approach for the detection of unannounced meals to enhance postprandial glucose control

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Background: Hybrid automated insulin delivery systems enhance postprandial glucose control in type 1 diabetes, however, meal announcements are burdensome. To overcome this, we propose a machine learning-based automated meal detection approach; Methods: A heterogeneous ensemble method combining an artificial neural network, random forest, and logistic regression was employed. Trained and tested on data from two in-silico cohorts comprising 20 and 47 patients. It accounted for various meal sizes (moderate to high) and glucose appearance rates (slow and rapid absorbing). To produce an optimal prediction model, three ensemble configurations were used: logical AND, majority voting, and logical OR. In addition to the in-silico data, the proposed meal detector was also trained and tested using the OhioT1DM dataset. Finally, the meal detector is combined with a bolus insulin compensation scheme; Results: The ensemble majority voting obtained the best meal detector results for both the in-silico and OhioT1DM cohorts with a sensitivity of 77%, 94%, 61%, precision of 96%, 89%, 72%, F1-score of 85%, 91%, 66%, and with false positives per day values of 0.05, 0.19, 0.17, respectively. Automatic meal detection with insulin compensation has been performed in open-loop insulin therapy using the AND ensemble, chosen for its lower false positive rate. Time-in-range has significantly increased 10.48% and 16.03%, time above range was reduced by 5.16% and 11.85%, with a minimal time below range increase of 0.35% and 2.69% for both in-silico cohorts, respectively, compared to the results without a meal detector; Conclusion: To increase the overall accuracy and robustness of the predictions, this ensemble methodology aims to take advantage of each base model's strengths. All of the results point to the potential application of the proposed meal detector as a separate module for the detection of meals in automated insulin delivery systems to achieve improved glycemic control ​
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