Efectos de un programa de rehabilitación domiciliaria sobre la capacidad física y funcional, la autonomía y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores con fractura proximal de fémur
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Introduction. Proximal femoral fracture (PFF) is an injury related to the elderly that poses a serious public health problem. Epidemiological data confirm a progressive increase in PFF in Spain, accounting for 45 thousand femoral fractures annually. The primary observed causes related to the mechanism of injury are osteoporosis and falls.
In this context, in order to recover the maximum possible autonomy, the need to design and implement a home-based rehabilitation program with a holistic and multimodal approach tailored to proximal femoral fracture (PREDA-PFF) has been identified. This proposal aims to enhance the multidimensional recovery capacity of older individuals.
Main objective. To assess the effects of a 24-week duration home-based rehabilitation programme tailored to PFF (PREDA-PFF) on physical capacity, functional capacity, autonomy, health perception and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
Methodology. The study design is quasi-experimental, with a prospective longitudinal nature involving a single treatment group within the domain of home care. Thirty-seven participants were included in the intervention group between May 2016 and November 2017. Evaluations were conducted at baseline, week 12, week 16, and week 24.
Statistical inference tests employed include the chi-square test for categorical variables and the Student's t-test for continuous variables. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between two quantitative variables. The mixed linear regression model was included to determine the association between the variables. To identify recovery determinants, a multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for associated variables was performed. The p-value of significance was established at 0.05 with a confidence level of 95% and a tolerable error of 5%
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