Estudi dimensional del desgast i vida de motlles impresos en 3D utilitzats per a deformar xapes mitjançant termoconformacio. Protocols d’us i metodologia pel tractament de dades = Dimensional study of the wear and life of 3D printed molds used to deform sheets through thermoforming. Use protocols and data processing methodology

Brisa i Álvarez, Ángel
The present project does have as a main objective to explore the capabilities or limitations of a coordinate machine (CMM) and a 3D scanner, as well as the usage of different software, through the analysis of the wear of 3D printed die of a thermoforming operation, in order to establish usage protocols, methodology recommendations, etc. for the processing of the data taken and, thus, be able to make a comparison between the results obtained. Therefore, the results obtained, should allow to study: i) The wear of the molds, ii) The dimensional accuracy of the thermoformed sheets with regards to its comparison with the printed mold. The focus of the analysis of the molds and sheets will be based on obtaining the profiles and the images extracted from the machines for dimensional analysis that the Gr3p research group has in its laboratory (coordinate machine, 3D scanner) ​
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