Estudi dels factors ambientals que influeixen en l’expansió demogràfica de la papallona del boix (Cydalima perspectalis) a Catalunya

Capdevila Baseganya, Biel
Invasive species increase every year due to several factors, such as global change and international trade. Its introduction into new ecosystems can cause imbalances and affect biodiversity. One of these species is the tree box moth (Cydalima perspectalis Walker, 1859), an Asiatic lepidopteran that was accidentally introduced in Europe in 2007 as a result of plant trade. Since it was first found in Catalonia in 2014, this species has rapidly spread throughout the territory, causing environmental, economic, and social consequences due to its impact on box trees (Buxus sempervirens L.). The objective of this study was to determine which environmental factors have the most significance in the spread of the tree box moth throughout Catalonia. In order to reach this goal, we conducted samplings in various regions of the country by using Funnel traps that were equipped with specific sexual pheromones for the tree box moth. Using the sampling captures, we were able to calculate different tree box moth population variables, which were then analyzed in relation to climate, topographic, and habitat variables through statistical models. The results we obtained reveal a positive correlation between temperature and relative humidity and tree box moth abundance, whereas precipitation is negatively related to this variable. However, a high accumulated precipitation extends the tree box moth activity period. The topographic factors, such as mountain slopes, are also important in tree box moth development. Sunny slopes increase the adult activity period, while shady slopes increase population growth. Other factors, such as the box tree dominance into the habitat and the elevation, may also affect tree box moth, even though it would be necessary to monitor the next few years in order to obtain conclusive results ​
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