Motor skills in female junior volleyball players from Macedonia and players from other countries: A comparative study

Misovski, Andrijana
Milenkoski, Josko
Georgiev, Georgi
Vasilev, Angjel
Text Complet
Modern volleyball game requires a high level of specific motor skills in the players. Our objectives are: 1) to evaluate specific motor skills (setting and forearm passing) in Macedonian female junior volleyball players; and 2) to compare our players with players from other countries in a qualitative manner. A sample of 399 participants, female volleyball players aged 13-18 years, that are part of Junior League (JL) in Macedonia, and JL in other countries, were included. Players from Macedonian JL (N=30) were evaluated at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. In order to extract data for players from other countries (N=369), articles published in peer-reviewed journals were used. Only players from studies applying the same motor skill tests as the ones used in our study were included. With the aim to compare the players, a single Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet was created containing all the data from our evaluation, as well as the data that we have previously extracted from other articles. Data analysis tool in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 was used to test the normality of data distribution by applying K-S test, Skewness and Kurtosis values. Basic mathematical and appropriate statistical methods were used to calculate descriptive statistical parameters. Finally, graphs were created. Setting and Forearm Passing skills are less developed in Macedonian JL players than in players from India, UK, Italy, USA, Germany, and Norway. Thus, we would advise Macedonian coaches to work more in a direction of specific motor skills development, especially in pioneer and youth categories, instead of putting the main emphasis on player specialization at early age ​
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