La aplicación práctica de la oferta y respuesta motivada en España

Solis Mota, Jaime Carlos
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Cars accidents cause many injuries, including thousands of deaths, on roads around the world, becoming a problem for today's society. In the European Union, there are laws so that those injured can obtain the corresponding compensations, according to the damages suffered, quickly and safely. These laws are applied in Spain, as a defense of the rights of the injured and their families. Until 2007, the offer and reasoned response procedure applies, which obliges the insurance company of the vehicle that caused the accident to send an offer, within the first three months of the injured party's claim. In the event that the motivated offer cannot be made, because it has not been possible to determine the responsibility or quantify the damage caused, the insurance company must make a motivated response, within the same period, informing the reasons why they cannot make the motivated offer. We want to facilitate a friendly and free procedure to obtain compensation that guarantees the rights of all those people who have suffered a traffic accident, preventing them from being forced to go to court. This work makes an analysis about this compensation procedure, how it affects the parties, and what aspects of improvement it needs to ensure that the injured parties are compensated in a simpler and more complete way ​
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