Els Deseiximents de Pere Pou contra Fals Amor: una polèmica literària del segle XV: 1. Transmissió textual i text crític

This article is the first stage in my research about the literary polemic caused by the publication, on March 23, 1458, in the monastery of Valldonzella, of the Deseiximents contra Fals Amor by the Barcelonian knight Pere Pou. The thirty texts that conform this epistolary controversy, purely literary in nature, imitate battle letters and contemporary processes of detachment, so well documented in Catalan. The two manuscripts that transmit Pou's Deseiximents show the interaction of eleven participants, some well-identified within mid-fifteenth-century Catalan literary circles, others totally unknown. The following pages contain a description of the manuscripts, a study of the recensions of witnesses and a proposal for a critical text. ​
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