Sensors based on nanocellulose for ECG application

The main motivation of the study is the possibility to build a sensor based on cellulose. The world is living a change, the companies are now considering the need to use renewable resources instead of fossil materials. I always have been an enthusiastic about materials and biomaterials that can be used in biomedical applications. When I unified these two interests, I find cellulose as a possible solution to environmental and circularity problems. The polyvalence and the many applications of this material can be massive. In the biomedical field, electrodes are one of the sensors most used to acquire bio-signals [4]. There are plenty of biomedical processes to obtain body constants that require an electrode for bio-signals acquisition. Hospitals nowadays use hundreds of electrodes every day. The currently commercial electrodes are not reusable and are built with plastics that are non-biodegradable materials. Then the alternative would be to a biodegradable environmentally friendly electrode that can help to achieve the sustainable and environmental global objectives ​
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