Desenvolupament del procés d’obtenció d’un concentrat proteic d’alt valor nutritiu a partir de sang procedent d’escorxadors

Ferrer Carré, Clara
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Global forecasts of an impending shortage of animal protein for human consumption have led to the search for new sources of dietary protein, either from alternative plant, fungal or insect sources, or from by-products of the food industry. Blood generated in industrial slaughterhouses represents an important by-product of the meat industry due to the large volumes generated. In general, it is not fully utilised despite its high nutritional properties, as it contains a high percentage of protein and a large amount of compounds of high interest in the food industry. In addition, the blood fractions proteins also have very good techno-functional properties that justify their valorisation. The search for a process to transform this blood into a food products would not only provide a new source to meet the growing demand for protein, but would also make it possible to reduce the costs of managing this type of by-product treated as waste and the environmental problems associated with it, in order to achieve sustainable processes based on a circular economy model in the meat industry. The main objective of this work has been the search for a process based on the decolourisation of haemoglobin to transform the blood from industrial slaughterhouses into a protein concentrate suitable for animal and human consumption, contributing to the design and start-up of a demonstrative pilot plant to scale up and implement the selected processes at industrial level ​
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