El procés monitori i el jutge robot a Espanya: ¿una possibilitat real de futur?

The order for payment is characterized by speed, agility and efficiency when it comes to claiming debts of a monetary nature, which has meant not only that its use is extended, but also that it is crowned as the most used process in the civil field in practice. The essence of this instrument is to establish ways to create an enforceable title before the debtor of an amount of money if he, after being judicially required, ignores the payment requirement or does not appear to appose it. Although in our country articles 812 to 818 of the Civil Procedure Law regulate this process, debates and discussions can currently be seen about the possible implementation of new technologies in this system, such as the idea of the robot judge or an artificial intelligence system, with the aim of being in charge of making certain judicial decisions ​
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