Encrucijadas de la red hidráulica en los monasterios cistercienses del noroeste de España. La captación y el claustro reglar

Miguel Hernández, Fernando
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Without water there was no guarantee of achieving solitude in any monastery. The underground hydraulic networks were drawn up before or at the same time as the founding plant and there must have been various water crossroads to redistribute it. Along with the catchment and diversion, where the intervention of the monks seems notable, the regular cloister is another of them, with the prominence of its cloistral source, as it is proved by some archaeological excavations in Cistercian monasteries in the Northwest of Spain (Santa María de Carracedo, León; San Salvador de Valdediós, Asturias; Santa María de Melón, Ourense). Moreover, this also happens in other Hispanic and European monasteries of any religious order. It is fair to mention that we intend to include here, to the archaeological analysis, the possibilities of the 3D georadar that we have used in the monastery of Santa María de Moreruela (Zamora) in 2020 as a specific way of investigation of monastic hydraulics ​
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