MonBones: Dieta, salut, economia i societat en contextos monàstics de Barcelona (s. XIV - XIX) des d’una perspectiva arqueològica. Primeres dades aportades per la fauna
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Using the skeletal remains as the center of gravity and combining the explanatory power of: (1) newly developed methods (isotopic and geometric morphometrics analysis); (2) different theoretical approaches (archaeozoology, taphonomy, bioanthropology, paleopathology); and (3) documentary and archaeological evidence, MonBones project delves into the lives of four monastic communities belonging to two female and two male orders. Likewise, in order to be able to compare the results obtained with a lay urban context, the remains recovered from other interventions in Barcelona are studied, particularly the Born CCM. The data obtained are analyzed according to population, age, gender and social status. The integration of all results will provide, for the first time, evidence to examine monastic life from an overall perspective at the level of each monastery, and more generally of Barcelona. In this paper we want to introduce this project and present some of the preliminary data obtained from the study of the fauna recovered in two of the analyzed contexts: the rubbish dump from Monastery of Pedralbes and the occupations of Casa Corrales (El Born). We thus demonstrate the potential of these tools, based on the study of bone remains, in order to solve questions such as dietary habits among the lay and religious population of Barcelona during the Middle and Modern Ages