Dimensionality reduction and features visual representation based on conditional probabilities applied to activity classification

A large part of the information emitted by contemporary technological devices comes in the form of time series. The massive commercialization of these kinds of devices has made the study of time series feature extraction techniques acquire a vital relevance in last years. Two main things are essential when applying feature extraction techniques to time series: to reduce the dimensionality so it occupies the least amount of storage memory possible, and to make features that contain the relevant information regarding the nature of the data set and the goals to be achieved. For this purpose, we propose in this work a brand new technique called the State Changes Representation for Time Series (SCRTS), which relies on the relevant data associated with the conditional probabilities of the time series (also known in the literature as Markov model's features), and the distribution of its values. This method is length-independent, which means that we can apply it to time series of different dimensions obtaining the same number of features for each one. Also, it provides a visual representation of the input data, so it is possible to interpret what makes a certain time series different from the other. After explaining how it works, we apply it to 3 different wearable accelerometer data sets. This algorithm reduces the original dimension of the time series considerably (in the best case from 5499 values to 31), having a good performance in the classification results (in the best chance with an accuracy of 98%) ​
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