El estigma de la salud mental en atención primaria: revisión bibliográfica
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Introduction: The stigma associated with mental disorders is a phenomenon that
affects the person holistically. It constitutes a problem that interferes negatively in the
quality of life of users, for example acting as a barrier to access paid jobs, social
relationships, educational opportunities, health services... Primary care is essential for
addressing mental health disorders, since it is the gateway for the vast majority of
patients to the health system.
Objective: To know the care provided to people suffering from a mental health
disorder in the primary care setting.
Material and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out using the PubMed,
PsycInfo, CINAHL, Scielo and Scopus databases during the months of January to
April 2023. The search was limited to studies published between 2017 and 2023. After
applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, the study was carried out with a total of 10
selected articles.
Results: The selected studies confirm the barrier effects that stigmatization creates in
terms of the services provided by health professionals to mental health users.
Conclusions: In the following bibliographical review, some results have been
obtained that confirm the negative impacts that the stigmatization of mental health has
on mental health by health professionals. The different studies affirm the educational
need and the implementation of projects against stigma