El moobing en infermeres i infermers dels hospitals públics de referència de Catalunya: projecte de recerca
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Introduction: mobbing is a situation where extreme psychological violence is
practised against a person in the workplace, systematically and repeatedly,
causing psychological, physical, social and professional consequences. The
nursing collective has been identified as having a high mobbing rate, as it is highly
vulnerable due to the complexity of hospital dynamics, organizational conditions
of work and the difficulty of institutions in managing bullying behaviors. Workers
in the health sector are 16 times more likely to suffer from mobbing than other
sectors, and the nursing collective is 3 times more at risk than other workers in
this area. Mobbing has multiple health consequences and not only affects the
victim, but also affects the organisation itself and the people it attends to.
Objective: To learn about the prevalence of mobbing in the collective of nurses
and nurses at the public referral hospitals of Catalonia