L'abordatge dels professionals d'infermeria en el procés de dol perinatal: revisió bibliogràfica
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Summary: Perinatal grief is an experience that parents face when they lose a
baby during pregnancy or shortly after birth. Nursing professionals play a key role
in addressing perinatal grief as they can provide emotional support, information,
and comprehensive care to parents and family members.
Objective: To understand the approach of nursing professionals throughout the
process of perinatal grief.
Methodology: A review was conducted on the Cochrane, PubMed,
ScienceDirect, CINAHL, and Dialnet databases. Medical Subject Headings
(MeSH) were used in conjunction with Boolean operators AND and OR.
Results: Once the search was conducted, the total number of articles found was
6675. After applying filters, they were reduced to 263, of which 251 were
eliminated through exclusion criteria and critical reading. Finally, 12 articles were
selected. It has been observed that the education and knowledge that nursing
professionals have in the approach to perinatal grief is insufficient and
inconsistent, although the literature manifests a strong desire on the part of
nurses to improve and ensure good care for families in the grieving process. At
the same time, having knowledge of how to approach the situation and identify
nursing interventions in clinical practice is expected to improve the confidence of
the professionals themselves, reducing the psychological impact on them
avoiding burnout syndrome on nurses
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