Beneficis de la dieta sense gluten en la qualitat de vida dels adults celíacs: revisió bibliogràfica
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Introduction: The diagnosis of celiac disease has experienced an increase among adult population during the last years. Therefore, it is important to rise the medical knowledge on how a change towards a gluten-free diet can affect the patient’s quality of life, as it entails many changes in biologically and socially levels. Objective: To study whether the quality of life among adult celiac patients can improve with their adherence to a gluten-free diet. Methodology: Bibliographic review. Searches were performed on the PubMed, ScienceDirect and Tripdatabase databases, from February to April 2023 (both inclusive). Conclusions: The analysis of the different articles has shown that the gluten- free diet in celiac people significantly improves their quality of life. This effect is materialized on the decrease in the symptomatologies of anxiety and depression. Moreover, we can also highlight its impact on the recovery of the intestinal mucosa. The gender that best adheres to the gluten-free diet is the female one, and in terms of age, it is people over 50 years. Although the positive effects on quality of life have been highlighting during this analysis, there are still lots of drawbacks surrounding celiac disease as people has reported having little information, problems finding food and their expensive cost. Therefore, interventions should be made aimed at the political level with the aim supporting this community by supplying them with tools and the needed help on gluten free diet management so that their quality of life can be as least conditionate by their disease as possible