La síndrome del desgast professional en les infermeres i infermers d'atenció primària: projecte de recerca
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In today’s society, work stress is already considered an epidemic, with serious
consequences on the health of workers, affecting the quality of work and
productivity. After de Covid-19 pandemic, health professionals have turned out to
be the most affected, leaving important consequences such as the professional
burnout. The fear of contagion, excessive working hours, the lack of resources
and the feeling of having an insufficient support at work has contributed to the
emergence of high levels of stress and worry, affecting the ability of workers to
be effective and to enjoy their work, especially in the Primary Care nursing, which
has always been on the first line. Although Health institutions recognize their role
in the prevention of the Burnout, there are very few solutions that are put into
It is important to promote a culture of well-being, which prioritizes the mental
Health of Health professionals, and provides its workers with necessary
resources to prevent and overcome the burnout syndrome.
Main objectives: To know the prevalence of the professional burnout syndrome
and to identify the internal and external resources that the nurses have to face
the burnout syndrome in the field of Primary Care in the Basic Area of Salt