La síndrome post-UCI, una anàlisi de les estratègies preventives: revisió bibliogràfica

Cubarsí Vila, Eugènia
Background: Scientific and technological advances have considerably improved the survival of people who go through a critical health situation, however, there can be serious physical, psychological and cognitive consequences, for weeks, months, or years resulting from intensive therapy called Post-Intensive Care Unit Syndrome (PICS). PICS is a real and current problem, which can also affect family members. Objective: Know and identify preventive measures and strategies that are being carried out for the prevention of post-ICU syndrome in intensive care units and if there are differences in terms of gender. Methods: The methodology of this study was a bibliographic review in which scientific evidence published from 2018 was searched in the following databases: Pubmed, Trip Database, Sciencedirect, BioMed Central and Cochrane Library. Results: From the revised bibliography, a selection of 12 articles has been made, which respond to the objective. Conclusions: The Post-ICU Syndrome is a real health problem about which there is a lot of literature, but there is little that talks about how to avoid or prevent them and that consider the gender perspective. However, some strategies have been described, such as the ABCDEFGH package, which appears to be effective in preventing PICS. The family is also at risk of suffering from the syndrome and it is important to consider it and accompany it throughout the process critical health of the admitted person and nursing plays a key role both in terms of the implementation of prevention measures, monitoring and research , to ultimately improve the quality of life of people who have to go through such a complex life-threatening situation ​
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