L'abordatge d'infermeria en el suïcidi durant l'adolescència: revisió bibliogràfica
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Suicide in children and adolescents is a public health problem that has increased
in recent years. Relevant is the need for nursing to work on the prevention and
approach to suicide based on the greatest evidence for cases of risk of
adolescent suicide.
Identify existing nursing interventions in suicide prevention in the adolescent
population. Describe the relationship between self-esteem and suicidal risk in the
adolescent population and identify risk factors for suicidal behavior in the
adolescent population.
A bibliographic review has been carried out in the bases Medline PubMed,
Cochrane Library, Cuiden and Elsevier. The selection has been limited to articles
published since 2018 that evaluate nursing interventions in adolescents between
13 and 18 years old. An article published in 2017 has been accepted for its
relevance in the review