Analysis and impact of antibiotics in marine organisms. Laboratory experiments and field studies

Serra Compte, Albert
Antibiotic residues in the environment are amongst the most concerning micropollutants due to their potential impact on the natural ecosystems and human health. In this thesis, laboratory and field studies were conducted to study antibiotics presence and fate in the environment, as well as to evaluate their ecotoxicological effects to exposed organisms and contribution to the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Two methodologies were optimized for the detection of antibiotics in aquatic biota and water samples. Their application in field studies revealed the occurrence of antibiotics in two areas of ecological interest: the Ebro Delta and the Mar Menor Lagoon. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that the bioaccumulation of antibiotics can be affected by climate change related environmental effects. Besides, the contamination of the water by antibiotics provoked ecotoxicological effects on the exposed organisms, such as mussels, and contributed to the spread of antimicrobial resistance in these organisms ​
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