El Disseny com a espai de debat, hibridació i transformació = El diseño como espacio de debate, hibridación y transformación = Design as an area for debate, hybridisation and transformation

The School of Design and Visual Arts of Catalonia (ESDAP Catalonia) was created in 2010 by Order of the Parliament of Catalonia. It is a public institution that offers a graduate qualification in Design in a multi-campus, inter-territorial organisation. The campuses are sited at schools of art that come under the auspices of Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia. This issue is intended to mark the start of a collection of periodic publications. This book-catalogue specifically features a compilation of the activities organised by ESDAP Catalonia for Barcelona Design Week 2017 under the title: Design as an area for debate, hybridisation and transformation. These events were run in collaboration with Barcelona Design Centre (BCD), the Design Museum of Barcelona and Espai Zero at Fabra & Coats - Barcelona Art Factory. The different activities are examples of the lines of action that ESDAP Catalonia adopts as an ideology and an area of work. They are based on the premise that design as an artistic discipline is an act of foresight. The designer becomes a point of contact between the user and reality. It is a cross-cutting perspective that perceives, interprets and reconstructs reality. This leads not only to the transformation of what we experience in daily life, but also to a reflection on how what want our environment to be like, both from an ethical and an aesthetic point of view. BDW17 is an excellent stage upon which to highlight the School’s vocation through a large sample of routes taken in different committed end-of-degree projects, and an open dialogue that introduces a cross-cutting and multifaceted view of what it means to be a designer living in the perpetual hybridisation of contemporary knowledge. We lastly wish to thank all the institutions and individuals for making possible all of the events that we have compiled in this publication. We hope they will be to our readers’ interest ​
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