Conflictos territoriales en el Baix Empordà 1970-2022: evolución y rol en la preservación del paisaje y del patrimonio natural

León Moreno, Ashley
The aim of this work is to compile and analyze some 60 territorial conflicts in the Baix Empordà region during the period 1970-2022. The main objective is to understand the evolution and role in the conservation of the landscape and natural heritage in relation to territorial conflicts in the aforementioned period through research, interpretation, recording and bibliographical analysis, as well as its relationship and reflection with the concept of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard). Furthermore, the work is part of the research of the MOVxPAIMED 2021-2025 project: "Paisajes Salvados/Paisajes por Salvar. Social mobilization and preservation of the coastal landscape of the Spanish Mediterranean '' created by the Anàlisi i Planificació Territorial i Ambiental research group of the University of Girona (APTA-UdG) with the collaboration of several universities in Spain. The aim of the project is to highlight the value of the work of preserving ecosystem services directly linked to the processes of social mobilization for the defense of the territory. It also has its own protocol for analyzing territorial conflicts based on social mobilization for the preservation of the Mediterranean coast. Once the search for information had been carried out, the data were entered using the collaborative mapping tool Survey123 of ArcGIS Online (ESRI) by solving questions in a form based on the MOVxPAIMED protocol, to make a concrete study of the problems, resolving questions such as where, which entities have participated in the movements, the intensity, the relevance, in which decade it arises, and the result of the mobilization. This application has enabled the creation of geo-referenced maps of the conflicts, allowing them to be represented in a visual and statistical way, related to different topics, such as the entities involved, the year they started, the final result, the intensity, etc. ​
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