Confraria, gremi i col·legi d’argenters a la Girona d’època moderna

Montroig Cruset, Sara
The present work, based on unpublished documentation such as the Llibre del Collegi de Argenters de Gerona sots invocasio del Glorios St. Aloy, y St. Anastasi of the Biblioteca de Catalunya, focuses on the study of the art of silverware in modern times in the city of Girona; framed in the institutional organization of the trade and its devout dimension, together with the identification of its creators and their trajectories. Firstly, the institutional framework of the Girona silversmiths has been studied to establish not only the organizational frame of the corporation (brotherhood of trades, guild and school), but also the devotional and social character of the trade, with saint Eloi as patron. Secondly, the research has focused on the identification of the members of the corporation, the silversmiths, and the clarification of their personal and professional trajectories. The final result we offer is the construction of a historical discourse around the artistic and social reality of baroque silverware in Girona ​
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