Clinical epidemiology and molecular biology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma in Girona 1994-2018

Carbó Bagué, Anna
In this doctoral thesis, the epidemiology of cutaneous and mucosal melanoma is analyzed, as well as its molecular profile to provide new knowledge on a population basis in the province of Girona. The cancer registry of Girona was used as a high reliable a source of cases. The incidence and overall/relative survival at 5 and 10 years are described, in addition, a molecular analysis of the BRAF gene in cutaneous melanoma and a genetic panel in mucosal melanoma is performed. In addition, medical evidence is provided for the treatment of patients in daily clinical practice. Overall survival at 5 years for all stages in cutaneous melanomas is 81% similar to other published studies with a prevalence of mutations in the BRAF gene around 50% and stage being the only statistically significant prognostic factor for the survival. It is confirmed that BRAF gene mutation is not a prognostic factor. 5-year overall survival for all stages in mucosal melanomas is around 21%, also similar to other published studies. Vulvo-vaginal melanomas have better survival. The molecular profile where mutations in NRAS and NF1 dominate is different from cutaneous melanoma and we corroborate that they have a clearly worse prognosis ​
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