Caracterització geobotànica i validació fitosociològica de diversos sintàxons de prats de dall higròfils (ord. Deschampsietalia cespitosae) i mesohigròfils (ord. Trifolio-Hordeetalia) de Catalunya i de l'Europa occidental

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A summary of part of the phytogeographic results described in the author's PhD thesis is presented here. Several syntaxa from hygrophilous (ord. Deschampsietalia cespitosae) and mesohygrophilous (ord. Trifolio-Hordeetalia) hay meadows of north-eastern Catalonia (incl. NE of Spain and SE of France) and western Europe, are characterized and validated. In total 22 syntaxa have been studied, based on synthetic tables and correspondence factor analyses: 1 class (Molino-Arrhenatheretea), 2 orders (Deschampsietalia cespitosae, TrifolioHordeetalia), 4 alliances (Oenanthion fistulosae; Ranunculo-Oenanthion; Oenantho Gaudinion all. nova; Alopecuro-Trifolion all. nova), 4 associations and 11 subassociations (Baldellio-Oenanthetum subass. alopecuretosum subass. nova; Gaudinio-Arrhenatheretum subass. narcissetosum, subass. festucetosum comb. nova, subass. lotetosum subass. nova, subass. lolietosum subass. nova; Ophioglosso-Oenanthethum subass. typicum, subass. oenanthetosum comb. nova; Geranio-Festucetum stat. novus subass. typicum, subass. arrhenatheretosum comb. nova, subass. gratioletosum subass. nova, subass. caricetosum subass. nova). Among the new phytosociological contributions, it is worth noting the description of two new alliances and the division of the mesohygrophilous hay meadows of the Catalan-Occitan Mediterranean traditionally assigned to the Gaudinio-Arrhenatheretum (all. Arrhenatherion or Brachypodio-Centaureion according to the author, ord. Arrhenatheretalia) in two associations (Gaudinio-Arrhenatheretum and Geranio-Festucetum), as well as their assignment to the Oenantho-Gaudinion alliance and to the Trifolio-Hordeetalia order (class. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) ​
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