Caracterización geobotánica de algunos sintaxones de prados de siega (all. Arrhenatherion elatioris) de Cataluña y de la Europa occidental

We present a summary of part of the phytogeographic results described in the author's PhD thesis. In this case, we characterise and validate several syntaxa from mesophilic hay meadows in the Arrhenatherion elatioris alliance (ord. Arrhenatheretalia elatioris) in Catalonia (incl. NE Spain and SE France) and the Western Mediterranean. In total, we study 19 syntaxa in geobotanical terms, based on synthetic tables and factor analyses of correspondence published previously in the thesis: 1 order (Arrhenatheretalia), 1 alliance (Arrhenatherion), 2 suballiances (Eu-Arrhenatherenion, Avenulo-Arrhenatherenion), 6 associations and 9 subassociations (TrifolioArrhenatheretum nova subass. typicum, subass. dianthetosum nova; Tragopogono-Lolietum subass. typicum, subass. ophioglossetosum stat. nov.; Malvo-Arrhenatheretum; Galio-Arrhenatheretum subass. typicum, subass. anthoxanthetosum; Gentiano-Trisetetum; Rhinantho-Trisetetum subass. typicum, subass. centaureetosum nigrae nova, subass. centaureetosum scabiosae nova; Conopodio-Vicietum nova) ​
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