La enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español en contacto con el francés y el yemba en Camerún en vista a unas perspectivas pedagógicas
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This study, which is both a personal assessment and the result of an intense experience as a student first and later as a Spanish teacher in the Cameroonian education system, has its origins in the lack of global prestige of local African languages. The study attempts to explain the difficulties of Spanish students at the University of Dschang who speak a variant of Bantu encounter. More precisely, first language (L1) of learners who have Yemba as their first language (L1), French as a second language (L2), and English as a third language (L3), and who are learning Spanish as a foreign language (FL) in a multilingual context. The fundamental question in this research is: how can the Yemba language in contact with the French language benefit or contribute to benefit the Spanish language learning and teaching?
This article unravels and offers a view of the combination of the sociolinguistic situation in Cameroon and particular attention to the general condition of the languages that constitute our object of study. It then examines the theoretical framework of the acquisition/learning of a second or third language and the epistemological approaches to education in multilingual contexts, highlighting the different assumptions and fundamental concepts.
This research also deals with the contrastive study of past tenses, emphasizing the temporal and aspectual specificities of the verbal system of the Yemba language, compared to those of the Roman languages, in this case, Spanish and French
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