L'estudi de l'Efecte Forer en l'actualitat, l'experiment social que ens explica per què creiem en els horòscops.
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The Forer effect is the psychological phenomenon that helps us understand because it is believed in horoscopes. The main purpose of this work is to replicate the social experiment initiated by Bertram Forer in 1948, where he defined this effect as the tendency to accept general descriptions of personality as their own, when they are actually adapted by everyone. To achieve this conclusion, he provided equal results of personality tests for his students and the average acceptance of the description was 4.12 out of 5. The other purposes of this study are to see how personality and gender relate to the Forer Effect and belief in horoscope. In order to achieve these goals, a Google Form has been prepared which consists of the administration of the custom NEO-FFI test and a feedback of the test, which is the same for everyone, although people do not know. In the investigation, 127 people participated from a random sample. The results show an average of 3.80 acceptance of the description provided, giving the goal of carrying out the Forer Effect experiment and seeing how it is present. Through quantitative analysis, it has been seen that personality traits are related to the belief of horrhoscope (Neuroticism and Opening) and to the Forer Effect (Neuroticism and Extroversion). Alternatively, it has been seen that being a woman relates to a greater belief in the horoscope