Com afronten els professionals sanitaris la nova llei de l’eutanàsia? Impacte psicològic i emocional dels professionals en la participació de la prestació d’ajuda per morir
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Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines euthanasia as "the action of a physician
who deliberately causes the death of a patient suffering from an advanced or terminal illness, at the
express and repeated request of the patient." Thus, the entry into force on June 25, 2021 of the
Organic Law for the Regulation of Euthanasia (LORE) 3/2021, has meant a major change in the
medical profession. Various studies have been conducted on the psychological and emotional
implications of nursing staff in participating in a euthanasia process in some of the states where it has
been approved.
Objectives: The main objective of the work is to establish contact with the health professionals of the
Doctor Josep Trueta Hospital in order to know how they live the process of providing help to die,
what their vision of the LORE is, the role they have within this, what factors may be involved in the
decision to participate and the psychological and emotional impact they may have in relation to the
euthanasia process.
Material and method: The research uses a qualitative methodology, based on a semi-structured
interview of its own elaboration that allows a thematic content analysis. The bibliographic search
delves into the categories obtained for the analysis of the results. The study was conducted by 10
health professionals, including medical, nursing, psychology and religious service staff.
Results: Regarding the data analysis, the following categories have been established: vision of health
professionals on euthanasia and LORE, role of health professionals and vision of the tasks assigned to
each professional within the protocol, factors that may influence to professionals in making the
decision to participate in the provision of assistance to die, psychological and emotional impact of
health professionals in the process of providing assistance to die, importance of psychology during the
process of euthanasia and future contributions.
Conclusions: Healthcare professionals share that they have been waiting for euthanasia laws for
many years and that they believe in the person's right to decide. The study reveals the need to expand
the professionals involved during the process of providing help to die including the figure of the
psychologist in it, as well as to describe more specifically and correctly in the LORE the functions
performed by each of the professionals during the euthanasia process. Although professionals agree
that there is a psychological and emotional impact, at the end of the process they value it as positive.
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