Current beliefs towards dairy and lactose intolerance among university students from Hordaland (Norway) and Catalonia (Spain)

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Purpose: The aim of the present study was to identify factors that influence beliefs about dairy and lactose intolerance (LI) and to describe the regionalism of this influence. Design and Methods: Online questionnaire-based study on university students from Catalonia, Spain (n=196) and Hordaland, Norway (n=132). We used standardized factor scores as a continuous measure of beliefs and analyzed its association with different factors using a linear mixed model, stratified by region. Findings: In Hordaland, only socio-demographic variables were associated to beliefs, suggesting a positive influence of social norms, probably driven by a stable and long tradition of dairy consumption and low LI prevalence. In Catalonia, participants enrolled in a masters or a health-related discipline scored higher, suggesting an active acquisition of beliefs. Value and Practical implications: Our results put into evidence the importance of assessing the characteristics of each community in order to develop tailored interventions aimed at improving students' beliefs about dairy ​
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