Arquitectura resiliente en el siglo XXI. Construyendo una teoría a través de ocho casos europeos
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Globalisation has intensified uncertainty and complexity given the changes produced by the increase in unpredictable events, hazards and adversities, such as the climate emergency, social inequality, technological obsolescence and the financial, energy or health crises. Resilience has become a vital objective for cities. It enables the effects of globalisation to be confronted positively and, in this way, contributes to sustainable development in the environmental, socioeconomic and political domains. Although there are various scientific studies on resilience in the urban development area, this is not the case in the specific field of architecture. Therefore, this research proposes theorisation of resilient architecture through grounded theory based on the analysis of eight case studies selected from three European architecture studios: the Finnish studio Ilo, the Spanish cooperative of architects Lacol and the French studio Bruther.
Through a literature review of the general concept of resilience, some heuristic premises are extracted for research on resilient architecture. They are associated with the planning of indeterminacy and the evolution of dynamic systems. Three types of dynamic socio-spatial systems are specified that develop different processes over time: fragile, resistant and resilient. In addition, the practice of two architecture studios, Lacaton & Vassal and Elemental, is assessed. These are considered contemporary benchmarks that help to focus research on the selected case studies and contribute to defining the properties of resilient architecture
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