Methodology for the experimental characterisation of mode I delamination under different loading rates
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The rate-dependent behaviour of the interlaminar fracture toughness of fibre reinforced composites has been a matter of research during the last decades. However, the results obtained so far are not conclusive and further analysis is required. In parallel, the correct characterisation of these material properties should promote the development of reliable constitutive models for the simulation of dynamic events.
The research carried out in this thesis starts by trying to identify and understand the governing parameters involved in dynamic testing of mode I fracture toughness. With this in mind, a time-based threshold criterion is proposed to determine when dynamic effects might be neglected during the analysis of a high loading rate Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test. The criterion compares the time after which inertia effects can be neglected in the specimen, known as transition time, versus the time for the initiation of fracture propagation. Three different methods are considered for determining the transition time: an analytical approach, a numerically-based method and a graphic method through FE simulations. Good agreement is found when comparing the derived expressions with the results of numerical simulations. It is also demonstrated that the transition time is affected by the velocity profile. The proposed criterion and approach to determine the transition time are useful tools to define when a quasi-static data reduction scheme can be used, providing an initial framework to mark off the analysis of high-rate tests
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