Three essays on hard skills, soft skills, risk attitudes and entrepreneurship
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This thesis studies the effects of hard skills and soft skills and risk attitudes on the likelihood of starting a company in the US. Hard skills are those skills that can be learned and trained. They are cognitive in nature. For example, a course in accounting will strengthen this hard skill in an individual. Soft skills are all those characteristics of the individual's character. They have to do with personality traits. Creativity, emotional stability or extraversion are some examples of soft skills. We use the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997 cohort (NLSY97). This is a panel data, which interviewed around 9000 individuals in 1997 when they were between 12 and 17. NLSY provides a unique set of variables, which allow us to directly measure the cognitive skills of individuals in the panel through Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery test (ASVAB). The soft skills are measured through the big five personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. We work with the first 17 waves of the NLSY97 survey
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