Estudi de la reacció de trans-splicing i caracterització fisicoquímica de la inteïna partida Neq DNA polimerasa B de l'hipertermòfil N. equitans

Protein splicing is an autocatalytic process with different stages that involves the elimination of an internal sequence, called intein, from the precursor polypeptide chain and the formation of a peptide bond between the flanking regions called N and C exteins. The split inteins or trans - inteins are a type of inteins that are encoded in two different genes together with the N extein and C extein genes. The DNA polymerase B gene of the hyperthermophilic archaebacterium Nanoarcheaum equitans is divided into two open reading frames. The genes coding for the N-terminal and Cterminal region or domains of the polymerase (N and C exteins) are fused respectively with the genes coding for N intein and C intein of the starting split intein Neq pol. The present thesis studies, the trans-splicing reaction catalyzed by the split intein Neq pol, as well as characterizes the physicochemical properties of the N-terminal fragment, NeqN, and the NeqN/ NeqC complex. On the other hand, the association process between the two fragments is also studied from a kinetic and thermodynamic point of view. ​
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