Impactos de la movilización en el cambio normativo. El matrimonio igualitario, la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y la regulación del consumo de cannabis en Ecuador y Uruguay

This research analyzes how social movements, through an attractive discourse, the intensity of the repertoire and the organizational solidity, generated results in the regulation of equal marriage, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and the use of cannabis. These results occurred despite the conditions generated by the opinion of certain legislators and by the religiosity of society. This is a comparatively research between Ecuador and Uruguay. The presidential periods between 2009 and 2017 of the Movimiento Alianza País Patria Altiva i Soberana, and between 2010 and 2015 of the Frente Amplio in Uruguay. This work answers the question ¿What elements influenced the social movements to achieve results in front of the Legislative Power in the regulation of equal marriage, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and cannabis use? The comparison between the two countries was made through the crossing of the dependent variables: equal marriage, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and regulation of cannabis use, with the independent variables. Within the independent variables, on the one hand, the agency capacity of the social movements that pressured the legislature through the connection of their speeches (bridging), their repertoire intensity and their organizational solidity and, on the other hand, were considered, the opinion of the legislators and the level of religiosity of the society. Comparing the two countries allowed us to understand the influential elements for the debate of social demands, such as, for example, the secularism of Uruguayan society compared to the deep-rooted religious beliefs of Ecuadorian society. This research exposes the different results between Ecuador and Uruguay on the role of social movements in front of the Legislative. ​
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