L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus
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This thesis is entitled "L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus" and focuses on the most loyal audience of museums: museum friends. This associative phenomenon is one of the largest in Europe and yet remains largely understudied (d’Armengol, 1991:7), as we explain. The thesis aims to conduct research on Catalan museum friends associations from a social perspective, which we call "visitor-centric", as it places the museum-visiting public at the center of our investigation. Bibliographic research begins with regulations governing their activity, with the oldest document consulted dating back to 1869, documents from organizations such as the WFFM, or Anglo-Saxon theories that are particularly relevant. For the first time, a historical chronology of museum friends associations is elaborated, from their creation (in 1876), through the Renaixença (the Catalan cultural movement), the Second Republic, the Franco era, to the present day, highlighting the role of museum friends associations in the history of museums in Catalonia. Through fieldwork, various quantitative and qualitative methodological techniques are used to collect data that are subsequently analyzed to understand these museum friends associations and all the impacts they generate. An analysis is made of their composition, evolutionary trajectory, the various audience typologies they comprise, knowledge about the various associations, their distinctive characteristics, and their impact on the cultural and social panorama. Museum friends associations play a key role in engaging the public and decision-making, contributing to the well-being of their members. They foster commitment and belonging and promote the pleasure of knowledge and learning (Riera, 2019). They also promote feelings of pride, pleasure, and happiness (Fujiwara, 2013), creating a network of integration and inclusion (Bisquerra, 2000), which we call a "social tribe" or "cultural family." This improves both individual and community quality of life (Weil to Yocco, 2009), promoting education and citizen participation, contributing to a more cultured, inclusive, and cohesive society, as hypothesized in the thesis
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